lauantai 31. maaliskuuta 2012

It's Friday

Hey everyone,
I didn't write my blog yesterday because I got home so late and I was so tired that I just walked straight away from the door to bed.

Anyhow I had a great day. My school day was kinda long when i got from school at 3pm.
My practises started at 4pm so there wasn't much time between that ! Thanks to Selma's friend who took us to his place and let us use their microwave :D

Like I said my practises started at 4pm and lasted for 4 hours. We did locking, popping and krumping ! Those lessons were great though I was exhausted after them. I really learned alot specially about krumping which I haven't done much. So it was lots of fun and the moves were great !

After the practises I didn't go home. I went to hang out with people which was really nice !
Sadly I was just so exhausted that I almost fell asleep while standing. When I finally got home I was barely able to walk :'D

So I hope you had a great evening too,
And i'm gonna write about this day later on !

torstai 29. maaliskuuta 2012

Where is the love

One really common topic came to my mind again. All the things we hear around got me asking where is the love ? I know it can sound corny but for real just think about it. We hurt the people we love and we got arrogant instead of being humble. We talk rubbish about the people around us though we ain't much better than they are. And what's the point of hating a person you don't really know? Isn't this world given to us so we could live here in peace and love each others? There's so many things out there that are wrong. And don't get me wrong, I'm no different from this I'm just saying that we should think more about other people.

My day went pretty well. At school everything went well. I also saw a good movie today though i can't remember the name of it. Tomorrow it's weekend again and time to practise. :p

Now i'm just gonna go to do my homework and hit the bed.
Have a nice evening everyone,
Good night ! :)

Song of the day: Where is the love by Black eyed peas

keskiviikko 28. maaliskuuta 2012

Feeling it

I just got home from practises. I'm feeling really good. And i'm proud of our crew cause they all worked really hard today. We also agreed about the clothings and styles we wanted to do which helps a lot in future.

I didn't have a long day at school so it was pretty nice. I don't know what's wrong with me this week when i keep falling asleep and forgeting stuff. I totally forgot which day it was and i fell asleep again when i was at a bus. Could it be stress? I'm just not gonna ask you any tips for that cause you would all just  say that i need to sleep more :D

When I got home from school i practised how to do my own braids. It's pretty hard though..
I think it was still pretty fun and I took a little nap so I wouldn't fall asleep at the practises. :D
So like I already told you the practises went really well and I didn't fall asleep there. :D
Now i should probably just go to sleep !
Good night everyone :)

Song of the day: Be with you by Beyonce ;)

              Haha there's a pic of the braids I made :'D

tiistai 27. maaliskuuta 2012

Just an ordinary day

I was pretty tired today. I woke up at 7.30 am though my school started at 8am :D But i wasn't late, thanks to my mom <3 My lessons went pretty well though I fell asleep on my history lesson for few minutes. I was thinking that maybe i could just close my eyes for a second and ofcourse i fell asleep..
But the best thing in school was that I got an iPod ! My classmate promised to borrow it to me :)

Everything feels much worse than they actually are when you're tired. I noticed that today again. But I'm glad I saw your smile today. It always cheers me up ! And my evening was great: I had pizza in the best company and had lot of fun playing with a kid i met :)

I got the music on "my" iPod and I'm ready to hit the bed !
Good night everyone,
God bless you all !

Song of the day: Here for you by Joseph Vincent :)

                    I had to take a pic of my dog Tonto today cause he looked so cute while sleeping !

maanantai 26. maaliskuuta 2012

You Brighten My Day

Do you know the feeling when you just don't got much to say?
Well I'm feeling that way right now after 3 hours practises.

I had a good schoolday. It was pretty short that's why.
Oh i have to mention I'm really thankful to my glassmate who promised to borrow his iPod for me !
After school I went to ask around for a job for this summer.. I went through over 20 places. And did I get a job? Nope. Well that's life..

Like I already said I had 3 hours practises. I went to practise alone first but then my phone stopped working so I had no music. And because I was pretty tired I was just joking around on the glass.. I know that's not good.. But I have to mention I was so glad to see my dancepartner again. She always makes me feel so good inside and she always understands what i mean. <3 Thanks for being there always for me. :) You brighten my day <3

Good night everyone,
Take care !

Song of a day: Sugababe - Ugly

sunnuntai 25. maaliskuuta 2012

Are you happy?

And what did i do today? Umm well I mostly just ate and watched different kind of tv-shows :D

Today was all about relaxing :)
We went to check the fishnet by a snow scooter. It was pretty cool I've never tried that before !
After that I came back to home to my mother's place. I decided to have a relaxing evening so I went to buy some dipping vegetables and took a nice long shower. And what's the best part: Ofcourse a first season of Desperate Housewives.

Sometimes it's good just take your time and sit down. We're always so busy that we don't often ask ourselves how are we feeling. We just run from a place to another. Today it was my time to ask myself how do I really feel. And I must say: Damn I'm lucky! I'm feeling really happy and I haven't been thankful enough about all these things I have.

So please take your time tonight to ask yourself "how are you?"
You might be suprised,
Good night !

lauantai 24. maaliskuuta 2012

Today we went to Tampere's IKEA with my father, his girlfriend and my granny !
We actually got lost for a minute before we found that place but i really enjoyed the trip :)
I didn't really buy anything for myself though that strawberry toy melted my heart <3

When we got back home I was pretty tired so I just watched the show American Idol.
Oh my.. When that guy Joshua Ledet started to sing the song When A Man Loves A Woman.. I got speechless ! He's so good ! You got to go to check that from Youtube. He's amazing.

Now i'm just gonna go to watch the show Dance Your A** Off! Have a great weekend everyone,
God bless you all !

Song of the day ofc would be: When a man loves a woman sung by Joshua Ledet

perjantai 23. maaliskuuta 2012

Feeling good

It's finally weekend and time for resting !

My schoolday started with carrot cake for breakfast. And as you know good food always cheers you up :D
So I felt pretty good about my schoolday though my swedish wordtest didn't go too well. But I wasn't really expecting it would.

After school I went to the market with my mom. And as usual she met a friend of hers there and just told me what she needed me to pick up. So she just standed there talking while I ran around the store to find all that stuff. :D So called team work..! Well I took the rights to add some stuff she DIDN'T ask so it wasn't that bad :))

I also had short practises today. It went pretty well though I forgot my dancing shoes home..
When the practises ended I went to see a movie ! Is there a better end for a evening or a start for a weekend than watch a great movie in a great company? <3 I think there isn't. 8)
The movie This Is War was really good. I really liked it and it was hilarious :D !

So thank you for the wonderful evening and have a great weekend,
Take care !

Song of the day: Christina Aguilera - I turn to you

torstai 22. maaliskuuta 2012

When You Believe

Today when I woke up I felt like I couldn't even get up. And when i heard my alarm I knew it would be a bad day. We all have those days and without those days we wouldn't appreciate the good ones :)

Well I went to school which started with math lessons. I don't know what is it in those lessons but it's really hard for me to stay awake on those lessons. Makes me sound like a bad student i know :/ Anyways I focused today a lot to a question: "what are we gonna wear in championships?"
I got really stressed about it when I wasn't able to find any good clothes ! Specially shoes, they're hard to find.. Oh yeah and did i mention that i got my swedish wordtest tomorrow and i haven't been on the lessons cause i was sick. :/ Makes me kinda nervous.

After all I went to church this evening. It's been a while since last time cause i've been so busy with training. The evening there was lovely. Now i'm feeling much better and i think i found the shoes too ! :D Today at church reminded me that we can do miracles when we believe in ourselves :)
Good night everyone,
Take care !

Song of the day: When you believe by Whitney Houston

keskiviikko 21. maaliskuuta 2012

Keep on dancing

I finally got home and it's already over 10 pm. I'm really exhausted so i'm just gonna keep this nice and short and hit the bed.

Well today I went to school again. I was proud of myself cause I didn't fell asleep in any lessons after sleeping 3 days while being sick. It was pretty close though.. :D Anyway I had lunch with my mom and we had pizza <3 Love you mom, haha ! And when my schoolday ended my beautiful lady Selma came to our place and i cooked some food for us before we went to practises. It was really nice to have her here, watch some dance videos and just chill out. She always knows how to make me laugh :D

Like I already said we went to practises together by bus. Our practises lasted 3 hours and it went pretty good I think. The fever I had still slowed me down a bit and i wasn't able to give my everything which kinda pissed me off. Well.. Next time then. :) We also started to think about our routine to the Finlands championships. :p

After practises I missed my bus and waited for the next one for 25 mins. I know it ain't so bad but it felt long when I was tired. Nice end for a day huh?
Well I wish you all the best guys and good night.

Song of the day: Pitbull- Shut it down

tiistai 20. maaliskuuta 2012

Starting a blog

Today I decided to make a blog. I've never really been into keeping a diary so will see what happens with this blog.
What made me want to write a blog? Well I'm still kinda wondering that myself too but the basic idea was to write down things of my everyday life. It's mostly pretty busy because of my hobby Streetdance and my studies at High school. I will add some pictures of those later on. :)

Like I said I'm on the first grade in high school. So far it has gone very well and it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. I have made lots of new friends there and I'm happy about the new school.
Though my mother language is finnish I will write my blog in english. That may sound kind of silly but I want to improve my english. So my apologise, the grammer isn't always so good :D

About the streetdance:
This is my 7th year dancing streetdance and it's very big part of my life. I've been dancing in different kinds of crews and duos and even done a solo once. Now that I have the Finlands championships coming in May, I'm pretty busy with my training. My achievements that I prize the most would probably be 3rd place in Finlands championships in 2010 and 13th place out of 60 in adults duo competitions 2011. This year we're going to Finlands Hiphop Nationals competition with my new crew.

I don't got much to say about this day. I have had fever for the last 3 days but now it's finally getting better. I'm still feeling pretty good and looking forward to tomorrows practises.
And should I say a song of a day it would be: Bob Marley- Three little birds